Looked for Comet Lulin with binos ...nothing ..sky was awfull not transparant at all..So resorted to the Nextar 80 mm on the goto mount...Still nothing with the data for the comet I just downloaded...Soooooo...looked around that area with a wide angle eyepiece and found a fuzzy smudge about 1 degree away from the Starrynight location.Very dim..
Popped in the Sac8-2 camera and made some images..Not the best best at least you can see some tail effect.
Used the 80 mm short tube at F3 ...3 second times 40 images all stacked and processed with a program called Fits x.
Low down the sky had no visability ..when I took the images between 11.30 and after midnight
the Comet was very high in the sky..I could see Regulus ok and took a test image on it for calibration